Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting mainly the skin and/or the joints. it has genetic background that results in immune dysregulation following exposure to triggering factors.


Fact number 1: Triggering factors for psoriasis include: Infections, especially upper respiratory tract infections, Psychological stress, physical trauma, some drugs as b blockers, anti-malarial drugs, obesity, smoking and alcohol.

Recommendations: Stop smoking and alcohol. Weight reduction. Always return to your dermatologists when it comes to prescribed medications. Any infection should be properly treated. Avoid stress as much as possible and anxiolytic drugs can be prescribed in certain situations.


Fact number 2: The majority of patients experience winter exacerbations while some patients report worsening of their skin condition after prolonged exposure to the sun in the summer.

Recommendations: Avoid prolonged sun exposure in afternoon in the summer and keep your core temperature warm in the winter through proper clothing and heating.


Fact number 3: Psoriasis is not a contagious disease.

Recommendations: Patients can have normal social and sexual life.


Fact number 4: Skin psoriasis has several associated conditions as psoriatic arthropathy, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, depression, Chron’s disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver and nephropathy.

Recommendations: Regular monitoring of blood pressure and blood sugar is recommended. In case of joint swelling or pain or persistent diarrhea or abdominal pain, report to your dermatologist.


Fact number 5: Several therapeutic options are available including topical creams and ointments, systemic conventional therapies, phototherapy and biological therapy.

Recommendations: Each case in an individual case and treatment is tailored accordingly. Therefore, always consult your doctor about the

best therapeutic option and avoid taking medications prescribed through social media or from other patients.


Fact number 6: Natural remedies are not therapies. Best case scenario, they are just moisturizers, but in many cases, they may cause irritation and worsening of skin condition.

Recommendation: Avoid natural remedies and stick to medicated therapies prescribed by your doctor.


Fact number 7: Patients with psoriasis are not prone to covid-19 more than the general population. Patients with psoriasis can receive the available covid-19 vaccines.

Recommendation: Stick to social distancing and wearing masks. Take the vaccine whenever possible.



This article was written by Dr. Marwa Amer, consultant dermatologist.  


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